/ school

Information on Biking, Walking, Driving and Taking the City Bus to School

Below is some information on transportation to and from school, safety information, City of Longmont rules and also information on the local transportation options available.

Excerpt from "City Line Longmont August 2018 Edition"
"Walking or riding? Be careful!
Back to school time means increased traffic near schools. Let's all do our part to reduce traffic and increase safety for students. Here are some suggestions:

  • Walk or bike to school with your child. Do a test ride on a weekend or before school starts for the year.
  • Too far to walk or bike? Drive to a nearby park and walk from there. You will all benefit from the fresh air, a brisk walk and the "bonding" time.
  • Get a City of Longmont bicycle map to help with routes. (Link to maps provided below)
  • Walking or biking? Wear bright clothes for increased visibility.
  • Still need to drive? Please watch out for pedestrians and bikers.
    And don't forget crosswalk safety:
  • Look before you step out into a crosswalk.
  • Proceed only when cars are stopped.
  • Even when the pedestrian "walk" sign is lit, check both ways before proceeding."

Use this link to find a safe route to your school. Print it out and as a family go over the route your children will take to and from school.

Bicycling Rules of the Road

Walking - Tips to be Safe

School Safety - Walking, Biking and Driving

Longmont RTD Bus Service Information

Information on Biking, Walking, Driving and Taking the City Bus to School
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